Monday, February 23, 2015

Author activity: j/j hastain

j/j hastain. whose Black Radish Books title Luci will appear summer 2015, has been busy! Take a peek at what xe has been up to:

Lyric essays: "Amiss and Amok" and "Copulatory Lock" at  Flapper House. And at Caliban, pages 70-75.

Interview at Touch the Donkey.

On collaboration at Harriet, along with others such as Juliana Spahr, Kevin Killian, Cedar Sigo, and jen hofer. Here is what j/j has to say:

For me, merge is a primary basis for proceeding in fulfilling ways.
There are the practicalities of collaboration and there are also the more subtle, vibration-based aspects. I find all of these in the pleasurable category. As long as attunement to the psychic particulars of the collaboration are kept at the forefront of one’s intentions therein, I find the practical and subtle components of collaborations to lend themselves in beautiful ways toward nurture. Is sharing in a shape or a stance a form of divine will? What can we accomplish together in the particulars of the premise or promises of this collaboration?

I work actively with Quan Yin. I appreciate her proclivity toward dispelling loneliness from its root rather than just applying a poultice at the event or experience or infliction of loneliness. I treat all of my collaborations as puja to Quan Yin’s choices, the vastness of her compassion field.
For me, collaboration is only troubling when it ends. I feel affront in my cosmic identities when this occurs, when for whatever reason/s we can’t work out a way to keep the telepathy open and pumping, and it atrophies due to human limit. Elaborate memorial services for such deaths need be made in me in order for them to not have the power to revert me to previous states of disparateness and mourning.

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